Honey for Natural Pain Relief

Natural Pain Relief Therapy with Honey
Last weekend I met a lady who has had to experience immerse pain in her life. She was in a car accident three years ago. A drugged up driver hit her head-on, both cars where travelling at 100km/hr in opposite directions. Impact at those speeds causes the bones to shatter. She was very nearly killed and has been left her permanently disfigured, full of fused bones and metal plates. It’s a really unfair outcome for women with a true & kind heart.
After meeting her I wanted to investigate what benefits honey could have in her pain management program. As it turns out there is some evidence and plenty of supposition that honey will have beneficial effects in pain relief.
Honey as a natural pain reliever, however, may offer an alternative for people who want to avoid the long-term side effects of pain relief medication. But honey is not a complete analgesic solution. For serious situation like my new friend’s a ‘spoonful of sugar’ would not be sufficient.
An article by Norhafiza Mat Lazim of University Sains Malaysia talks about honey being a viable pain reliever that should be considered and further studied.
“Protein, amino acid, flavanoids, phenolics, organic acid, pigment, water, and high sugar content in honey possess their own characteristic medicinal values and complex interaction exist between these components that are responsible for their antibacterial, antiinflammation, and immunomodulation properties. Honey may alter the antiinflammatory and immunostimulatory mediators, hence directly or indirectly lead to inhibition of pain.adjunct to pain management therapy. phytochemicals and components in honey contributes, to its effects which include antinociception.”
Pain relief tips found in Highland Honey Products
The internet serves up plenty of interesting natural alternatives for pain relief therapy including mental (mediation & activity), consumables (herbs & spices) and mechanical treatments (yoga & acupuncture). An amalgamation of these treatments will offer natural therapy solution to the symptoms and causes of pain.
Since Roger – The Honey Man is starting to get on in years himself, he wanted to find solutions for his wife and others to help with the symptoms of ageing like arthritis, viruses, skin problems, depression etc. So Roger formulated a range Highland Honeys which are specifically focused to help with pain management.
These honeys are specifically for consumption but can be used for topical treatments.
Eucalyptus Tree Honeys
The Eucalyptus tree pollen, oils and gums have properties that helps reduce inflammation in the body. We don’t add Eucalyptus oil to our honeys, but since many of our varieties are from native gum trees and melaleuca trees these honeys are full of the phytochemicals contained in eucalyptus oil.
The healing benefits of Eucalyptus Oil can be attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, and antiseptic qualities, among other valuable properties.
Eucalyptus honeys are purifying, cleansing, clarifying, and immune-boosting.
Chilli Capsaicin
Capsaicin is a chemical found in Chilli. Several studies have found that capsaicin can use up substances that transmit pain signals from nerve endings to the brain. It’s also involved in activating inflammatory substances in joints.
Ginger has a lot of value for treatment as a laxative, anti-gas, and antacid. The researchers also suggest that ginger may accelerate recovery and reduce inflammation related to exercise.
Curcuma, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, has pain-relieving qualities. A small-scale 2014 study found that curcuma extract is as effective as ibuprofen for pain management in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis when a person takes it for 4 weeks.